
To keep the orange trees and the o bar fresh we work hard on having a revolving display of art on our walls. Generally speaking pieces are displayed for a minimum of 3 months thus allowing a good exposure time and also the added opportunity for the artist to hopefully sell their work. We do not take any commission on any pieces that sell as a result of being displayed in the bars, but do ask the artists to sign a disclaimer acknowledging that the bar is not responsible for damage (so far in the last 7 years no work has been damaged).

Please feel free to look at the existing gallery at each of the sites. If you are interested in finding out more about a particular piece or would like to buy the piece, please drop us an e mail and we will get back to you.

At the same time if you are an artist who wishes to display work at any of our establishments then again please get in touch with the specific bar of your choice to arrange a meeting.

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